
2015년 6월 6일 토요일

Developing writing skills grammarly

CALL is a good place to help students writing, I recommend one program, Grammarly.
The CALL journal about writing recommend the Word processor, but I'd like to give you a chance to use Grammarly.

Every time in my class, I give writing assignments to elementary students. I hope that they have critical thinking and express their own thinking. Actually they have some problems to write something with using the right vocabulary and grammar. In elementary students class, I usually don’t teach English grammar and structures a lot for their first 1~2years English class. And I let them write only 5 sentences for any topics. Most students don’t want to write even English words on the page. They don’t want to write their mother language, neither. Anyway, five sentences for writing helps them to reduce their writing burden a little. Here is my student’s writing about a country. She has studied English for 1year 5months with me. She is in the 5th grade.

1.     I want go the Japne.
2.     Beause Japne food is deilicous.
3.     Too Japene is many quake.
4.     And, Japece’s The cothes are pretty.
5.     And There are I have things to my lilking.

When she did her writing homework, she didn’t check her writing by herself. Every time I correct the words and grammar in class and she doesn’t double check her writing. I know that it doesn’t help her improve her writing. She needs a process to think her writing for herself, not through my correction.

There is a way to check the writing, it’s Word Processor in MS Word. But it’s not good for my elementary students. That’s why they don’t know what the right words and grammar is if the program gives them information of incorrect words and grammar.

So, here is a spelling and grammar checker on the internet. I will recommend Grammarly program. If my students download an app of Grammarly it can help them write. Of course, teacher's feedback is necessary.


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